• Slanty McStabby


    The Mini-Menace is a double bladed saber design where you ignite both emitters simultaneously. The aesthetic is a scaled down version of The Menace. One button controls ignition and color change on both blades. This is an excellent saber for cosplay or training where you need the two sides to coordinate. This is also the shortest possible handle for a double bladed saber from our site.


  • Dueling Pixel

    Original price was: $239.99.Current price is: $219.99.

    The first Pixel blade saber approved by Master Alan for dueling! Using the Powerful Xeno3 chip this saber is fully featured without needed to spend on expensive upgrades. A rounded endcap for comfortable two handed use. A circular tsuba style guard. Plus a special change to the interface between electronics and pixel blade to maintain good connection, but protect pins from damage during impact. The blade is secured using a special collar system so there are no tension screws and your blade maintains a secure fit into the handle. But you still have easy access to your sd card if you want to add fonts or take advantage of the other cool pixel features.

    Due to the unique blade attachment system blades are ONLY available in 36″ length at this time.

    Dueling pixel  Features: 

    • XenoConfigurator App compatible
    • Button push color change
    • Gesture controls
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • 34 sound fonts
    • Upload Custom Sound Fonts
    • In hilt recharge
    • Upload custom blade effects
    • Tip Drag
  • The Temple


    Nicholas Lawrence Temple, III was born June 12, 1971 and passed away August 17, 2023. Without his help and friendship none of this would exist. Among Nick’s favorite things was to dance. So I chose this saber for his memory, it seems like the kind of saber that would be fun to dance or flow with. And I think he would have liked it.

    The emitter of The Temple flares slightly which can help with certain transitions in spinning or flow. And the emitter has a unique choke that would be ideal to chords, straps or decorations.

    If you choose this saber, I ask as a favor, love it.

    RGB Baselit Features: 

    • Heavy dueling
    • Button push color change
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • In hilt recharge

    Xenopixel  Features: 

    • Button push color change
    • Gesture controls
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • Upload Custom Sound Fonts
    • In hilt recharge
    • Upload custom blade effects
  • Sparta


    The Sparta was selected for a special category of Dojo Sabers. All the sabers in the Dojo Sabers category are going to provide support to the dojo teens who have helped me test sabers and develop curriculum. Through the pandemic I’ve had several students begin their martial arts journey at the dojo. They’ve been instrumental to the growth of Level Up. Each saber in this category was chosen by a student to be their personal saber in class and on the site. The Sparta earned it’s name because the emitter detail reminded my student of the Spartan helmet. This is the way.

    RGB Baselit Features: 

    • Heavy dueling
    • Button push color change
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • In hilt recharge

    Xenopixel  Features: 

    • Button push color change
    • Gesture controls
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • Upload Custom Sound Fonts
    • In hilt recharge
    • Upload custom blade effects
  • Kodiak


    The Kodiak was selected for a special category of Dojo Sabers. All the sabers in the Dojo Sabers category are going to provide support to the dojo teens who have helped me test sabers and develop curriculum. Through the pandemic I’ve had several students begin their martial arts journey at the dojo. They’ve been instrumental to the growth of Level Up.

    This saber was chosen by Kodiak (names withheld to protect their identities). The pandemic nearly prevented him from reaching his black belt. He spent the first year of lockdown adapting to virtual high school while training for his black belt, and assisting me with teaching outdoor classes at a local park. Things changed. He earned his black belt. He started college. He has found ways to keep connected to the dojo. I was excited to give him the chance to pick a very unique saber to be his own. And to create a way that to support his studies with lightsabers.


    RGB Baselit Features: 

    • Heavy dueling
    • Button push color change
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • In hilt recharge

    Xenopixel  Features: 

    • Button push color change
    • Gesture controls
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • Upload Custom Sound Fonts
    • In hilt recharge
    • Upload custom blade effects
  • Light Father


    The saber of the iconic maverick jedi master!

    Neopixel Option! For the first time Level Up Lightsaber is offering a neopixel option. The xenopixel gives you all of the best features expected of neopixel sabers. A microSD card on the board allows quick customization of blade effects and sounds, including uploading custom sound fonts. The Level Up Xenopixel comes pre-loaded with over 20 sound fonts, plus unique blade effects that only neopixel sabers can replicate, including the flame blade and the full spectrum rainbow blade. Like any neopixel, the Level Up Xenopixel is not suited for dueling, but for saber spinners and cosplayers the ability to customize is unparalleled.

    RGB Baselit Features: 

    • Heavy dueling
    • Button push color change
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • In hilt recharge

    Xenopixel  Features: 

    • Button push color change
    • Gesture controls
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • Upload Custom Sound Fonts
    • In hilt recharge
    • Upload custom blade effects
  • Space Pirate Package


    Everything you need to complete a space pirate look. If you’ve seen Master Alan’s space pirate videos Link Here this kit puts everything you need in one package (plus you save some $$).

    This kit includes the Sabre Flat blade with or without a crackle pattern, your choice. Plus a regular round blade for the times you want to duel. We do not recommend flat blades for dueling or impacts

    This pack contains: One Knuckles Handle, One Mid-Grade round blade, One Sabre Flat Blade

  • The Ban Hammer


    Will TikTok be banned in the US forever? We will find out soon. And while we are waiting to find out Level Up Sabers introduces the Ban Hammer. This is an excellent saber for cosplay, dueling, and spinning. The Ban Hammer is a two toned design with a unique pommel and windowed emitter. The emitter also has a slight curve instead of being perfectly flat.

  • Jaya


    The lightsaber of Hylam Sineve as portrayed by Kris, The Star Wars Lawyer. Named after the dutiful Charhound Jaya, who is a very good girl.

    Level Up Sabers has launched a Star Wars themed table top game! Featuring some of your favorite creators, each character will have a unique saber. Any purchase of those sabers goes to support those creators.

  • Valor

    Original price was: $569.99.Current price is: $539.00.

    The Valor is the first High Republic inspired saber from Level Up Sabers, we guarantee it’s better than a stick.

    The side blades for the guard are made of solid polycarbonate to give a look more similar to depictions in the new media. The guard holders can fold up or down depending on your desired aesthetic.

    This saber is only available in pixel.

    For Light and Life!

  • The Fallen (Cal Kestis)


    Have the poncho but need a little something extra? The Fallen saber comes ready to help you resurrect the jedi order on your own or make a darker choice. The Fallen comes in black or gray. 

    This is one of our new replica sabers in our Saga line. Our Saga hilts all come standard equipped with the same Leveled Up electronics you’ve come to expect from all of our sabers. The saber also comes with an acrylic stand, blade plug, a saber blade, rechargeable lithium battery, a battery charger, all necessary hardware, and the customer support you’ve come to expect from the Level Up crew.

  • Perseverance


    The Persona sabers all have a little more character and personality that make them unique, but not a screen accurate look that pushes a price tag up. These sabers make great display pieces, unique dueling sabers, and excellent capstones to OC cosplays.

    The design of this saber is inspired by the collection tubes of the Mars Perseverance rover.

  • The Count

    Original price was: $549.99.Current price is: $450.00.

    The Count is available only in Xenopixel electronics.

    The Count is the iconic curved hilt saber with a single emitter prong detail. The Count is carefully detailed to capture the needs of anyone cosplaying or displaying this iconic saber.

    We do not recommend this saber for dueling.

  • Ashakor


    The lightsaber chosen meticulously by TikTok’s Sea Cow Explosion to be the saber of the BBEG for the game.

    Level Up Sabers has launched a Star Wars themed table top game! Featuring some of your favorite creators, each character will have a unique saber. Any purchase of those sabers goes to support those creators.

    Additional colors coming soon . . .

  • Budget Darksaber


    Ordinarily you must earn this blade in combat to become the Mand’alor. But that was a long time ago in a place far away. Now, you just have to want it.  We are glad to have a duel ready Darksaber option for training or to complete the look for any cosplay from Vizsla to Bo Katan to Djarin (with maybe a stop somewhere along the way for Darth Maul, Sabine Wren, or even Moff Gideon).

    Important Note: While the Saga Tier Darksaber offers a shorter than battery life than other Level Up Sabers, no similar compromises had to be made with the Budget Darksaber. This saber offers our full electronics set up, including our standard battery. So if you want to do an afternoon of impacts with this saber, it is ready to accept the challenge. The Budget Darksaber accepts only a round blade. The flat blades and adaptors will not function with the Budget Darksaber.


    • Heavy Dueling
    • Button push color change
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • In hilt recharge
  • Light Revan


    Revan’s Saber from before he chose the dark path. Deep blade pocket makes this saber durable for dueling applications. While having all the key details for a cosplay. Saber comes equipped with the belt clip wheel.

    RGB Baselit Features: 

    • Heavy dueling
    • Button push color change
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • In hilt recharge

    Xenopixel  Features: 

    • Button push color change
    • Gesture controls
    • Blaster deflect sound trigger
    • Lock up sound and visual effect
    • Flash on clash visual effect
    • Multiple sound fonts
    • Upload Custom Sound Fonts
    • In hilt recharge
    • Upload custom blade effects